
Showing posts from April, 2024

Exercise 1: Fashion Sequence

For this task, we had to make a fashion sequence stitching together various scenes to make a final product.  I was provided with the raw footage from my subject teacher. There were about 170 different shots for me to work with, it was then up to me to merge those shots into usable scenes that could in the end make a coherent sequence. Before I could do anything with the shots, it was vital that I find background music that would be suitable for a video like this. I chose three separate tracks to experiment with before settling on the one used in the final edit. Once my track was decided I had to understand the aspects within the track that I could edit to, in this case, there was a very specific beat I timed all my cuts to. After determining the timing of the track, I could finally choose the shots I wanted to use. This wasn't a simple process of dragging and dropping the shots I liked, instead, I had to make an effort to create some kind of narrative and cohesion throughout the ed

Task 3: Photo-Zine

Photo Zine Link Landscape All Images Fashion All Images Product All Images

Task 1: Single Photograph

Selected Image: All Unused Images For reasons, I'm not quite sure myself, I've always been interested in prison mugshots. Perhaps, it has to do with the history of the camera and how different groups of people viewed photography. Lecturer Liam French has stated, that the camera was "a tool for documenting reality" (Davidson, 2017). Law enforcement at the time took this opportunity to take photos of convicted criminals of all kinds and use them as a form of warning to the common people. A warning that these are what criminals look like and these types of people should be avoided. Naturally, this would lead to various forms of segregation, false claims and other such negative consequences that come from class divides (French, 2015). With all that being said, the main focus of my research was to look at the history of the camera and photography and explore the practical side of photography that most people wouldn't really think of, just to show that there are more si

Task 2: Series of Manipulated Images

Selected Images in Order All Unedited Images ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the end of the First World War, people's perception of the concept of normal had completely changed due to four years of relentless horror and bloodshed. In an attempt to challenge outdated ideas of what was considered normal, Andre Breton published the first portion of the Surrealist Manifesto in 1924, thus founding the Surrealist movement to "embrace the absurd, the unconventional, and the shocking."  (Victoria & Albert Museum, 2007). I bring this up because it feels like in the modern era that we're living in tensions rise and our view of what is "normal" and "right" changes on a near-daily basis. Now more than ever we must look at the teachings of surrealists and challenge ourselves to look at things from a new perspective to gain a better understanding of our curren