Exercise 1: Fashion Sequence

For this task, we had to make a fashion sequence stitching together various scenes to make a final product. I was provided with the raw footage from my subject teacher. There were about 170 different shots for me to work with, it was then up to me to merge those shots into usable scenes that could in the end make a coherent sequence.

Before I could do anything with the shots, it was vital that I find background music that would be suitable for a video like this. I chose three separate tracks to experiment with before settling on the one used in the final edit. Once my track was decided I had to understand the aspects within the track that I could edit to, in this case, there was a very specific beat I timed all my cuts to.

After determining the timing of the track, I could finally choose the shots I wanted to use. This wasn't a simple process of dragging and dropping the shots I liked, instead, I had to make an effort to create some kind of narrative and cohesion throughout the edit. This can be seen in my decision to use more static shots during the slower intro of the track before transitioning to shots with more movement as the tempo of the track increased.

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